Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Zul'Aman: Trash Guide

A guide to Zul'Aman trash guide. Work in progress, as my guild advances through the instance I will add more.

Aman'ishi Warbringers-non CCable. Tank them. They demount at 20%, so their bears must be dealt with as well.
Aman'ishi Bears-Vulnerable to Poly, trap, fear.
Aman'ishi Tribesman-Vulnerable to Poly, mind control.
Aman'ishi Medicine Man-Vulnerable to Polymorph, Snares, most CCs. Spawns an Invulnerability totem which makes nearby mobs invulnerable. So, it's a good idea to kill this mob first in a pack, and kill the totem fast.
Aman'ishi Guardians-Come in pairs. Non-CCable. Bring non-elite adds with them.
Aman'ishi Savages-can be solo-AOEd by a mage etc.
Aman'ishi Axe Thrower-Sap, Sheep, Fear

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