Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Bear Lord Nalorakk-Tactics

The first boss of Zul'Aman, Bear Lord Nalorakk is a gear check with quite simple tactics.

He is similar to past bosses in that two tanks are required.

He switches from Troll to Bear form and back approximately every 10% health. Get DBM or Bigwigs addons for a timer for his form changing.

It is recommended that the tank with higher HP takes the Bear form, the tank with higher mitigation take the Troll form.

Ablities (All Forms):
Brutal Swipe-A high damage attack which has its damage split among whoever it hits.
So, the two tanks should be on top of one another so both take 5k damage rather thank one taking 10k.

Troll Form:
Mangle-All bleed effects cause 100% more damage on whoever this hits.
Charge-Charges a random member of the raid and cleaves. So, raid stays spread out.

Bear Form:
Stacks two bleed effects on the tank, so if the tank has the Mangle debuff, he dies.
Deafening roar-Silences the raid for 4-5 seconds.

So, the tanks must taunt off of each other when he changes form. One tank tanks the Troll form, the other tanks the Bear form. This is the major tactic for this fight. As a warrior, I'll be ready to use Mocking Blow or Challenging Shout should my taunt fail.

The silence is the other factor which could cause a wipe. I'll be ready to use my Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch, Healthstone, trinket, super healing potion, Last Stand or Shield Wall :)

Random tips:
A Blessing of Protection can replace a taunt if required. Cast it on one tank and the boss will switch to the other.

A Blessing of Protection will also remove Mangle, although this should never be required unless mistakes are made.

The encounter is resettable. If a tank dies, RUN.

We two shotted this boss on our first visit to the instance, then managed to wipe five times on our next raid, with the same tanks. Healers have to be on top form for this boss, and HoTs help out. The Silence during Bear form is the most likely point in the fight for a wipe to occur.

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