Saturday, 24 November 2007

Wowsa!! Akil'Zon and Halazzi down!

WoW!! Took Akil'zon down at last, after two wipes, then took Halazzi on our fourth try!! It was a really fun and productive raid. Our shadowpriest Liorna was pretty useful for Mind Control, and having a slightly better geared Offtank helped out a bunch (Sofara).

We one shot Nalorakk, and our Paladin Bormus got his hands on the Mask of Introspection, a very nice healing helm:

I used the two group idea from WoWWiki for Akil'Zon, and it worked a treat. Everyone was able to survive the storms, and we had only one stupid wipe. Akil'zon dropped a very powerful healing necklace, Brooch of Nature's Mercy, which our newly recruited Paladin Hellnexx won.

Halazzi was even more dangerous than I expected him to be. Twice we wiped with me getting wtfsmashed for 17.5k damage, after Sofara our offtank died. So, I think it's important to stress to any raid the importance of keeping the offtank above 60% health so they can survive the 8.5k split Saberlash damage.
The fight was as exhausting as I've read it is, with Alithia our priest saying 'I've never been more OOM' in my life. This guy hits like a warship; serious tanking is required. Shield block up at all times is an absolute must. I blew all my cooldowns at 8% as the healers were OOM, and we just about took him down. He dropped the Skullshatter Warboots, which Sofara won .

It's absolutely crucial to deal with the totems as soon as they appear. On our successful try, we tanked the lynx quite near Halazzi so that our rogue could destroy the totems in a flash. It worked well.
All in all, a highly charged and exciting raid (I'm still shaking). We will go to Jan'Alai the final avatar tomorrow, so let's cross our fingers and see what happens.

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