Tuesday, 27 November 2007

New Stuff!

Just a quick update.

I've added a Zul'Aman reset calendar at the bottom of the page. The colours have blurred slightly as Paint sucks, but oh well.

I've also added new item links throughout the blog, courtesy of Thottbot. They are very cool, in my humble opinion.

I've decided to save up for the Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian. It costs 75 Badges of Justice, I have 40 at the moment.
The breastplate is much, much better than my Vindicator's Hauberk and I can't see the Panzar'Thar Breastplate dropping off Nightbane any time soon, as I've seen it twice already in about eight kills. First time, I transferred it to the other tank out of guilt, as I'd won the King's Defender already that night. Second time, I lost to a new recruit on his first raid for us :(

I hope to eventually replace it with Chestguard of the Warlord from Zul'Jin, but that could take several weeks.

I do realise it has spell damage on it, but the 500 more health it provides makes it a worthwhile investment. I am ready to take some abuse for wearing it, but that's life :P

And yes, I am overusing the item links :)

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