Sunday, 25 November 2007

Jan'Alai-Our Next Big Obstacle

I took a raid to Jan'Alai for a couple of hours today. We dropped by Zungam to complete our quest first. He is in the hut to the right as you face the entrance to Halazzi's area. We had to clear two extra packs and two single mobs to get to him. Just right click on the metal ball he's chained to in order to release him. He thanks you and walks to the entrance of the hut, and only then allows you to complete the quest. Finishing it netted me a nice Charmed Amani Jewel. I'm going to save it for a new item.

Confusingly, the path to Jan'Alai begins at Nalorakk's platform. The trash on the way to him was as irritating as I'd read it would be. Amani Scouts rush towards the nearest drum when they catch sight of you. If they manage to reach it, they summon two elite Amani Reinforcements from the nearest hut. We wiped early on, but got the hang of it and progressed through the area, admittedly rather slowly. The Amani Guardians dispel Crowd Controls such as Polymorph, so it's crucial to keep reapplying the CC or tank the mobs further away. Mages should spellsteal the Flame Casters' buff, as it gives them a much faster casting speed.

We eventually reached the unattractive Dragonhawk Avatar. We decided to give the 'let him call his adds at 35%, we don't care' strategy a try, but the stream of adds quickly slaughtered our DPSers. After a few tries of this, we attempted a more cautious strategy-when the two hatchers spawned, we allowed one to reach the eggs and hatch three times, rather than killing both of them. However, certain raid members couldn't manage the flame ball minigame, and we didn't manage as strong a try as I wished.

The two elements of this fight which must be emphasised to the raid are the flame bombs and the hatchers. When he teleports the raid into the centre (every 30 seconds), everyone must move to a safe spot so they don't get blown up. When the hatchers spawn, DPS should quickly dispatch one of them and DPS down the other to 20% or so. We had people ignoring the hatchers and DPSing the bosses, which disappointed me.

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