The raid earlier today was pretty successful, and extremely fun. Zul'Aman is without doubt one of the most entertaining and challenging instances I've experienced to date. It's definitely a pleasant contrast from Karazhan.
Overall, the raid was successful by almost anyone's standards. However, the first few minutes did not bode well. First of all, we had a server restart 5 minutes before the alloted start time of the raid so we had to delay. Secondly, the instance refused us entry even with ten people banging on the gong. Once we tried to hit the gong in time with Harrison Jones (Harrison Ford+Indiana Jones), the instance sprung open. The pack which attacked upon our entry was dispatched without a problem, but somehow we managed to aggro the 2 man troll pat as well as Nalorakk's three trolls, and wiped ;(
After a sharp word with everyone about not making things harder than they have to be, we advanced to the final pack before Nalorakk without difficulty. Unfortunately, we faced two warbringers (trolls on bears which dismount at 20% in to two separate mobs) and two medicine men. It turns out the two trolls to the sides of the warbringers can be guardians, axe throwers or medicine men. We definitely faced the hardest possible combination, as the medicine men drop totems which grant immunity to all mobs around them and can heal. As we don't have a mage for tomorrow, I sincerely hope we have an easier pack tomorrow. After wiping once, I decided to let out Fury Warrior Hjelar tank one of the Medicine Men and have it killed first, then have the two trolls and their bears dealt with, and finally the Polymorphed Medicine Man. This worked fine.

We wiped once on Nalorakk, for no real reason. The second time, our OT Druid Silaqui died an untimely death at 20% health, leaving me to Shield Wall my way to victory. Two bears needn't have died :( Nalorakk dropped the much anticipated Off Hand weapon Fury, which our Fury Warrior got his hands on. Go Claw! :)
I was expecting to have some trouble with the gauntlet leading to Akil'Zon, but our PvP aficionado Silifus the frost mage took no time at all in proving me wrong. We got to Akil'Zon's platform first time with no difficulties. In some ways, this was the end of the raid, as we spent a good hour and a bit wiping here. Everyone knew what to do and we had some very good tries, but there were a few newbie errors which brought us down. 25% was our best try.
Tomorrow however, I'm bringing the Nature Res gear so his 7k burst damage isn't as much of a killer. I'm pretty certain he won't trouble us any longer. I'm going to have Talius, our hunter, use Aspect of the Wild, and Kirby our Shaman use his Nature Resistance buff so everyone takes less damage from his Static Disruption attack.
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