Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Start of the Instance-The path to Bear Lord Nalorakk

Bear Lord Nalorakk is the first boss of Zul'Aman. Rather than standing still and waiting to be ganked, he is visible after the first two packs, but can only be engaged safely after you've killed seven packs as he runs away and sends mobs to attack you.

Six packs lie between the start of the instance and the boss. After you hit the gong (saving yourself to the instance), the raid is attacked by two elites and a pack of non-elites. Tank the elites, kill the non-elites, then kill the elites.

Head down to the base of the stairs and wait for a patrol of two trolls to walk by. Engage them when they are to your left. Tank and destroy.

Nalorakk is now visible, standing on his platform. Approaching him causes him to send three trolls down to you. I chose to sheep one and tank the other two my first time there, had one trapped the second time.

Next is a pack of 2 Amani Bears. They can be sheeped. If you choose to tank them, drag them away from each other as their debuff Armor Crunch (=25% armor) stacks.

Turn left after the bears, and hug the wall to avoid the other bear pack. Enter the gap in the wall to get to the platform where Nalorakk stood to start with. Approaching him again causes him to send four elites down to the raid. CC two, tank the other two. I had the fury warrior equip his shield and offtank one, as we had no mage on our second visit there.

Next are two bear riders, who dismount at 20%. Not to be underestimated. Again, be ready to grab the mounts when the trolls dismount at 20%. Tank them at opposite corners of the platform to avoid the stacking debuff.

Finally, the raid has to take down four elites which stand in front of Bear Lord Nalorakk. This is quite a challenging pack, so be careful. It contains two Amani Warbingers who dismount at 20%, as well as two trolls, which can be Medicine Men, Axe Throwers or Tribesmen. Have the two tanks take the Warbringers to opposite sides of the platform. Crowd control the other two if possible, take them down if you can't CC them. Healers have to be on their feet here. Run too close, and you will aggro him!

Boss tactics to come.

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