Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Eagle Lord Akil'Zon

Eagle Lord Akil'Zon is the 'second' boss of Zul'Aman (the easiest after Nalorakk).

He shouldn't trouble the Claw for long, it's a fight similar to Aran in that, once everyone in the raid knows the fight, it's easy.

He only requires one tank, so the OT can DPS.

He has two moves which will put a spanner in the works, making him not quite a Tank and Spank :)

Abilities and Counters:

Electrical Storm-Throws a character in to the air and summons a lightning cloud. Everyone in the raid must move to the dark spot on the ground underneath the player in the air. I plan to put a square on myself to make it easy for people to see where to move. Occurs every 45 seconds or so.

Summon Amani Eagle- Summons adds, which must be dealt with or they will overwhelm the raid. I plan to have the mage and lock deal with these, with maybe a bit of help from the hunter should things get bad.

Go to this link for a VERY useful video:
I can imagine some less skilled raids getting disoriented by all the blue lightning :(

Once everyone gets the hang of moving to the spot under the cloud, I can't imagine this fight will hold us up for long.

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