Tuesday, 13 November 2007


I'm going to write a preview for Zul'Aman, both as a tool for myself and for my raid/anyone else who reads this.

I'm planning to lead our guild's second raid in to Zul'Aman this Saturday, the 17th of November. We will have a followup the next day as well.

I've done some thorough research concerning the instance, and I'm confident we'll get the first boss down, Bear Lord Nalorakk. I'm also hopeful we'll get Eagle Lord Akil'Zon, the second boss, down as well.

My proposed raid setup is:
Warrior (Prot)
Warrior (Prot)

There are two issues which are bugging me at the moment. One is the lack of a druid healer, as HoTs are very useful for the first boss. The second is that Shamans are apparently the most mana-inefficient healers, and the first boss is a long, mana intensive fight, as he hits hard and has a big health bar.

Also, I'm not 100% sure the tanks are geared enough for the fight. The only non Kara items I'm using are Vindicator's Hauberk, Warchief's Mantle and Regal Protectorate. Hopefully I'm geared enough for him, I'm nearly at 14k unbuffed health. The OT is using Millenium Blade, Mark of the Ravenguard and possibly one or two more blues.

Hopefully I'm just being a worrier and everything will work fine on the day. Everyone else in the group is mostly or fully Kara-epic.

I've read that the tank with higher mitigation should take the troll form, the tank with higher HP should take the bear form. Thus, I'll be tanking bear form :)

Tactics to follow, as well as a guide to trash.

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