Well, Zul'Aman is kinda old news, I've now cleared it fully twice, and successfully tanked Zul'Jin. With my current gear, Halazzi really doesn't hit as hard as he used to, and Zul'Jin is a breeze. Yet to get my shield, head or trinket from ZA (got the Heroic chest) :(
The Claw is going through a rough patch atm, with Slicedice, the force behind most of the guild raids, leaving to join Anvil of Crom. Daika and Pikkumjes have left as well, among others. I've practically given up raiding. I farmed heroics heavily to earn 300 or so badges so I could buy the 2H weapon, chest and ring from the Isle of Quel'Danas vendor, but kinda relaxed my play schedule due to A Levels. My last exam is on Wednesday, opening up alot of WoW opportunity in summer, but I'll be focusing more on maximising the other type of play :P
I've been focusing mostly on arena, hitting 1740 with a new druid, Cabamarula, Maiav's alt. I'm hoping to get the S3 mace (1850 personal rating requirement) before Arena Season 4 comes out on June 25th. I've realised that the key to the MS warrior in arena is interrupts - in the past, i just beat on healers until they went OOM, but interrupts increases the healing pressure tenfold. Also, swapping targets and pet killing is crucial. My druid just got the S3 helm, giving her a total of 3 Vengeful, so I'm hoping my rating will hit 1800 this weekend.

In preparation for S4, I've farmed 60k Honour so far ad have 4.4k arena points. I'll be points and honour maxed by the 25th, and I have the required marks already. This will hopefully mean we can make a strong start in S4. I'm looking forward to running into teams like Hjelar/Skerv before they hit 2k again :P
I'll be mainly focusing this guide on my arena experiences and the lessons I've learnt from now on.
Today we got super lucky - we played a fully veng hunter/druid, and killed the pet three times, so I'm never letting hunters out of my sight ever again. We won because the druid glitched up and couldn't run, allowing me to kill her.
We played a fully veng druid/rogue, and won as I managed to solo the rogue without the opposing druid landing a single heal - amazing feeling.
The current rating is 1719, and the game to bring the 1700 up was versus a fully veng warr/pala. I sat on pala whole game, ran him OOM, but spent a good ten minutes failing to kill him due to bubbles. Not sure how to resolve this. We won by me swapping to warr and hitting Death Wish and raping him.
Finally, we played fully vengeful Warrior & Shaman, and lost badly. I rate myself vs. Shamans, but these guys were good. The shammy DPS'd the druid. I tried to handle totems and sunder and interrupt the shammy, but only got him to 60% before he hit Ghost Wolf and kited. Caba says the warr nuked me and drew my nuke to allow the shammy to drink.
Major things to remember:
LoS Beast Within and Heroism. Didn't realise till today the use of Heroism as a defensive option - a Shammy hitting it to try to heal himself out of shit.
Play smart-sword and board.
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