Some might not agree, but I quite like the look:

We then went on to one shot Akil'Zon and Halazzi, which was completely unexpected. Strangely, we got exactly the same loot as the last time, with Brooch of Nature's Mercy and Skullshatter Warboots dropping. I was particularly impressed by our Halazzi kill, which showed I don't need a hunter to tranquilising shot him :)
Unfortunately, things went downhill after this amazing start. We wiped about six times on Jan'Alai and called it a day. The main guild raid downed him a few hours after we stopped.
I'm looking forward to this weekend. The instance resets on Sunday morning, so we're going to have back to back runs Saturday and Sunday, hopefully providing a combined total of 12 epics (assuming we can get the first two bosses down in time). I'm hoping to bring the best raid possible, and put Jan'Alai to sleep at last.
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